wordpress 自定义_在WordPress中构建自定义登录和注册页面
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wordpress 自定义

WordPress started life as a blog engine, web software for creating blogs. Over the years, it has evolved into a content management system (CMS), even though some developers might disagree on it being considered a CMS.

WordPress最初是一个博客引擎,一个用于创建博客的网络软件。 多年来,它已经发展成为内容管理系统(CMS),即使某些开发人员可能不同意将其视为CMS。

There’s a healthy disrespect for the WordPress default login and registration pages, because they live outside the website without conforming to the site design.


When it comes to creating a website for clients, you might want a more customized login page, so that it integrates nicely with the website design as a whole. There are also numerous plugins that extend WordPress where the registration and login pages are used by end users, not just site administrators.

在为客户创建网站时,您可能需要一个更加自定义的登录页面,以便与整个网站设计完美地集成在一起。 还有许多扩展WordPress的插件,其中注册和登录页面供最终用户使用,而不仅仅是站点管理员。

A couple of developers have released several kinds of plugins for customizing the default login and registration forms in WordPress such as the .

几个开发人员已经发布了几种插件,用于自定义WordPress中的默认登录和注册表单,例如“ 。

The gripe about the default account page is not primarily because it isn’t pretty, but because it doesn’t have a connection to the website look and feel.


A quick Google search on building custom and pages for WordPress reveals tutorials geared towards advanced PHP/WordPress developers. This is ok if you’re experienced, but as someone that’s written a lot of developer tutorials, I know there’s also an audience that needs something a bit simpler.

GoogleSwift搜索了有关为WordPress构建自定义和页面的信息,显示了面向高级PHP / WordPress开发人员的教程。 如果您有经验,那没关系,但是作为写过很多开发人员教程的人,我知道还有一些观众需要一些简单的东西。

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to build custom WordPress login, registration and password reset pages with a , all without writing a single line of PHP code. Of course, if you’re a developer, you’re welcome to check out the code too.

在本教程中,我们将学习如何的来构建自定义WordPress登录,注册和密码重置页面,而无需编写任何PHP代码。 当然,如果您是开发人员,也欢迎您查看代码。

The form design below is what will be used in this tutorial.


See the Pen by Agbonghama Collins () on .

见笔通过Agbonghama柯林斯( )上 。

See the Pen by Agbonghama Collins () on .

见笔由Agbonghama柯林斯( )上 。

See the Pen by Agbonghama Collins () on .

见笔通过Agbonghama柯林斯( )上 。

If you want to jump ahead of the tutorial, you can view a demo of the , and pages.

如果您想跳到本教程的前面,可以查看 , 和页面的演示。

介绍ProfilePress (Introducing ProfilePress)

ProfilePress is a WordPress plugin that makes building user account (login, registration, password reset, and edit profile) forms and front-end profile stupidly simple without having to code any PHP validation, authentication and authorization system on the server-side. It’s something I saw a need for, so I created it. It’s been an interesting project to work on, something I’ll share more about in future articles.

ProfilePress是一个WordPress插件,使构建用户帐户(登录,注册,密码重置和编辑配置文件)表单和前端配置文件变得非常简单,而无需在服务器端编写任何PHP验证,身份验证和授权系统。 我认为这是需要的,因此我创建了它。 这是一个有趣的项目,我将在以后的文章中分享更多。

For a typical example, it can turn a simple HTML login form into a functional WordPress login without writing any PHP.


ProfilePress isn’t a drag-and-drop kind of plugin, rather it utilizes shortcodes as its templating system for building account forms and front-end profiles.


Shortcodes are to ProfilePress what and are to JavaScript and PHP respectively. You might already be familiar with shortcodes if you’ve used plugins such as Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7 or NextGEN Gallery. They’re very easy to use.

简码用于ProfilePress,而和分别用于JavaScript和PHP。 如果您使用了Gravity Forms,Contact Form 7或NextGEN Gallery之类的插件,则可能已经熟悉短代码。 它们非常易于使用。

Without further ado, let’s get started with building the login, registration and password reset WordPress forms.


自定义登录页面 (Custom Login Page)

First off, install and activate the Lite version of available for free in WordPress plugin directory.

首先,安装并激活WordPress插件目录中免费提供的版本的 。

Click the Login Form menu as shown in the image below and then the Add New button to begin the process.

单击Login Form菜单,如下图所示,然后Add New按钮以开始该过程。

Login Menu

A form will be presented to you. Fill the fields as follows.

表格将呈现给您。 如下填写字段。

Enter a name for the login form in the Template Name field.

在“ 模板名称”字段中输入登录表单的名称

Copy the codepen login form code above to the Login Design TinyMCE editor and then replace the text, password and submit input fields with their respective .

将上面的代码笔登录表单代码复制到Login Design TinyMCE编辑器中,然后替换文本,密码并使用相应的提交输入字段。

Here is the final HTML code for the login form.



Sign In

[login-username id="username"]
[login-password id="password"]

Note: no form tag <form ..></form> is allowed. They are automatically added by the plugin when rendering the forms.

注意:不允许使用表单标签<form ..></form> 。 呈现表单时,插件会自动添加它们。

Paste the login CSS into the CSS Stylesheet text area.


Login Page CSS

Note: Errors generated by ProfilePress login forms are wrapped in a div with class profilepress-login-status, thus the presence of the class in the login stylesheet.

注意: ProfilePress登录表单生成的错误被包装在div中,并带有class profilepress-login-status ,因此该类在登录样式表中存在。

To see a preview of the login form, click the Preview Design button.

要查看登录表单的Preview Design ,请单击“ Preview Design按钮。

Custom WordPress Login Preview

Finally, hit the Save Changes button to create the login form.

最后,点击Save Changes按钮以创建登录表单。

To make the login form available as a WordPress widget that can be dragged and dropped into a widgetized area / sidebar; check the Make this a Widget check box. After saving the changes, Go to the WordPress widget admin page, drag the ProfilePress Login Widget to a desired location and select the login form and save.

使登录表单作为WordPress小部件可用,可以将其拖放到小部件化区域/侧边栏中; 选中将其设为小部件复选框。 保存更改后,转到WordPress小部件管理页面,将ProfilePress登录小部件拖动到所需位置,然后选择登录表单并保存。

WordPress Login Widget

Navigate back to the login catalog, copy the generated login shortcode and paste it to the page you wish to make your custom login page.


Login Catalog

自定义注册页面 (Custom Registration Page)

Building a custom registration form with ProfilePress follows pretty much the steps as a login form save for the form design and success message (text displayed on successful registration).


Click the Registration Form menu followed by the Add New button.

单击Registration Form菜单,然后单击Add New按钮。

Copy the codepen registration form code above to Registration Design TinyMCE editor.

将上面的代码笔注册表单代码复制到Registration Design TinyMCE编辑器。

Replace the form components (username, password, email, first name, last name fields and submit button) with their respective ProfilePress .

将表单组件(用户名,密码,电子邮件,名字,姓氏字段和提交按钮)替换为它们各自的ProfilePress 。

The code for registration form will finally look like this:



Create a new account

[reg-username id="username"]
[reg-email id="email"]
[reg-password id="password"]
[reg-first-name id="first-name"]
[reg-last-name id="last-name"]

Paste the registration CSS into the CSS Stylesheet text area.


Note: Errors generated by ProfilePress registration forms are wrapped in a div with class name profilepress-reg-status, hence the class in the style sheet.

注意: ProfilePress注册表单生成的错误被包装在div中,其类名为profilepress-reg-status ,因此是样式表中的类。

Enter the code to display a customized message on successful user registration.


Registration Successful.

There is also the option to make a registration form available as a widget, I’ve found this can be very useful.


Registration Success

Navigate back to the registration catalog, copy the generated shortcode and paste it to the page you wish to make your custom registration page.


Registration Catalog

自定义密码重置页 (Custom Password Reset Page)

Go to the password reset settings page by clicking the Password Reset menu.

通过单击“ Password Reset菜单进入密码重置设置页面。

Click the Add New button at the top of the page to begin the form building process.

单击页面顶部的“ Add New按钮以开始表单构建过程。

Copy the CodePen password reset form code above to the Password Reset Design TinyMCE editor.

将上面的CodePen密码重置表单代码复制到Password Reset Design TinyMCE编辑器。

Password Reset Code

Replace the username/email field and the submit button with their .

将用户名/电子邮件字段和提交按钮替换为它们的 。

The final code for the password reset form will look like this:



Reset Password

[user-login id="userlogin"]

Enter the code below into Message on successful password reset text area in order to display a customized message after users successfully use the form to reset their password.

在用户成功使用表单重设密码后,在“ Message on successful password reset文本区域中输入以下代码,以便显示自定义消息。

Check your e-mail for further instruction.

Save the changes and go back to the catalog.


Copy the generated shortcode and paste it to the page you wish to make your custom password page.


将默认的WordPress帐户页面重定向到自定义选项 (Redirecting the Default WordPress Account Pages to the Custom Alternatives)

Finally, all we need to do now is redirect the default WordPress login, registration and password reset pages to their custom alternatives created with ProfilePress, so when users visit the following default URLs below, they will be redirected to the custom pages.


To achieve this, click the settings plugin menu.


In the Global Settings section, select and save the custom login, registration and password reset pages.

在“ Global Settings部分中,选择并保存自定义登录,注册和密码重置页面。

Global Settings

摘要 (Summary)

In this tutorial, we learned how to easily build a custom login, registration and password reset page in WordPress using a plugin I’ve written called available in the WordPress Plugin Directory. We also learned how to redirect the default WordPress account pages to the custom account pages.

在本教程中,我们学习了如何使用我在WordPress插件目录中提供的名为的插件轻松地在WordPress中构建自定义登录,注册和密码重置页面。 我们还学习了如何将默认WordPress帐户页面重定向到自定义帐户页面。

If you have any questions, suggestions or contributions, please let me know in the comments.



wordpress 自定义


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